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Event App

01-02-2024 | CMS

Improvement | Multiple Image Upload

This week we're releasing a much requested improvement to the Appmiral CMS: the ability to add multiple album items at once.

Previously when adding images to an album those had to be created and uploaded one by one, making this a painstakingly tedious task. Not anymore. From now on you can choose to either Add one or Add multiple items. When selecting Add multiple you can upload up to 50 images at once.

26-01-2024 | Mobile App

Feature release | Carousel Videos

Because of all the positive feedback we received after launching the home page carousel in 2023, we decided to take this feature to the next level. We have now added the option to add short looping videos to the carousel, giving the home page a much more immersive festival feeling. From a short logo animation to full blown aftermovies to bring your audience in the mood, anything is possible. These videos are cached on device, meaning that once the video has played once it will be available even if the device is offline.

This feature will be included in all applications that are submitted to the stores after January 2024 and is available for everyone on the Advanced & Pro plan. For more info on how to add a carousel video to your application, contact your Appmiral CSM.

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