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Migrating to the Agent Inbox


In order to migrate customers from CuCo to Agent Inbox (basic), various manual steps are required. There is no way to (automatically) extract and import conversation data, quick replies, users and other settings from cuco into the agent inbox, this will have to be done manually. If a client wishes to fill it's inbox within the Agent inbox before migrating. Incoming and outgoing messages can be configured to be routed to customer contact as well as the agent inbox before migration (filling both applications).

Create the Agent Inbox environment

    1. Go to:
    2. Create an environment for the client with following credentials
    • Name: CM Admin
    • E-mail: {Companyname}
    • PW: {Generate using Keeper} -> Save these credentials to keeper (client folder)

    Setup the Agent Inbox environment

      1. Open a new browser tab
      2. Go to:
      • Select the right subscription (API key)
      • Find the API key: Go to settings in the agent inbox ( -> E-mail -> the API Key is the first part of the E-mail address (highlighted in red) ->
      • Search for this key
      • Select this subscription
      • On the overview section
      • Fill in the Company name (as noted in CM CRM / Platform)
      • FIll in Logical Account (As noted in CM CRM / Platform)
      • On the subscription management section
      • Go to the subscription plan section
      • Select "Basic" plan
      • Save changes (this enables all default basic features)
      • Go to the subscription features section
      • Based on the client intake/needs, enable (basic) subscription features (i.e. a channel like WhatsApp)
      • The features that are available per tier are indicated by their tags (Basic, Adv, Pro etc).
      • Go to the "User management" section
      • Based on amount of ordered users, select this amount and click Add users ! Attention ! Nothing will seem to happen, but it will be changed in the Backend. The amount of available "Users" can be found in the top right corner of the settings page of their Agent Inbox environment

      Configure the Conversational Router

        1. Go to the Conversational Router (On the platform)
        • The Conversational Router can be found in the nine-tile menu (on the clients logical account)

        ! if the router is not yet available, an order need to be created and signed by the client (free product), to provision it. Due to legal reasons there is no shortcut we can take to provision this without signage !

          1. Enable the Agent Inbox AKA "Robin" adapter
          • Go to "add a new adapter"
          • Select the "Robin" adapter
          • Configure the adapter
          1. Define the name: Agent Inbox (Robin)
          2. Define the desctiption
          3. Select the enviroment (Production)
          4. Define the API key, to Find the API key: Go to settings in the agent inbox ( -> E-mail -> the API Key is the first part of the E-mail address (highlighted in red) ->
          5. Alter the handover body if necessary (these are exceptions)
          6. Save the adapter
          • Configure the adapter
          • Without a bot:
          • Create a router setup in which the lines are defined from BM to Agent inbox and from Agent inbox back to BM (if this flow is used -> make sure to enable feature: Router without handover in command centre)
          • With a bot:
          • Create a router setup in which current cuco setup is reacreated, but replace cuco with Agent inbox. (for this setup, no additional feature enablement is required.)
              • In order to setup the Agent Inbox flows without directly disrupting the use of CuCo, Keep the CuCo setup enabled in the channel itself, but add the conversational router as a new destion in the channel configuration.
              • Alter the setup of the router to make sure that after handover, the conversations are passed onto the Agent Inbox (Robin) instead of Customer Contact. (this usually involves routing the incoming messages Business Message to the (possible via a bot and conversation history adapter) Agent Inbox, and outgoing message directly back to the business messaging API

              Configure the Messaging Channels

                1. Go to:
                • Select the right subscription (API key)
                • Go to API management -> Messaging
                • Click Add messaging channel
                • Example: WhatsApp
                1. Define display name (i.e. Main Whatsapp Number)
                2. Define External identier (e.g. Phone number for WhatsApp)
                3. Define the Channel -> WhatsApp
                4. Define the Webhook URL
                • The Webhook URL can be found in the Converational router
                • Go to configured adapters
                • Go to the Agent Inbox (Robin) adapter, and click on the button: Copy Outbound URL
                • Now Paste this URL in the "Webhook URL section"
                • Define the Webstore field: This can be left as "None"
                • Define the External Authentication Key
                • The "External Authentication" Key can be found in the Conversational router
                • Go to External acces info
                • Click on the "Copy" button behind the Product token
                • Now paste this token into the "External Authentication" field
                • Define the router reset time
                1. Default is 24 hours
                2. But can be set differently based on client needs
                • Disable treat as instant
                • Click "Create Messaging Channel"
                • Repeat this for any other channel that needs to be setup for this client

                Onboard the Agent Inbox environment

                  1. Login to their environment using their credentials (created in step 1):
                  2. Go to the settings:
                  • Create users
                  • Create all ordered users + 1 (for CM admin user)
                  • Configure webstore(s)
                  • Configure a single webstore unless more are absolutely necessary
                  • Configure channels
                  • This is done in the section: Incoming & Outgoing conversations of the webstore you want to use them in.
                  • Create templates
                  • Define the customers service hours template
                  • Define service hours
                  • Define their SLA (response time) across channels
                  • Setup basic conversation tools
                  • (re)create already existing tags (if they want to use the same)
                  • (re)create Suggested answers (if they want to use the same)

                  Plan the migration moment for the client agents

                    1. have the client onboard their users
                    2. make the switch to the new platform
                    1. Enable the router setup that was created earlier
                    2. Disable the

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