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2024 February | UK Legislation

UK legislation has been introduced in the UK to prevent smishing and spam via SMS. is required to adhere to these regulatory changes,.

Please refer to the information below for details on the structure of the regulations.



  • GSM Alphabet characters A-Z and a-z, numeric 0-9, and punctuation characters (period/full stop, dash, underscore, ampersand, and space) will be supported.
  • Additional characters can be requested for approval on a case-by-case basis (e.g., M&S).
  • Generic Senders and/or Senders containing generic terms will not be supported. SenderIDs going forward need to be brand-centric (e.g., LinkedIn cannot use 'Verify').
  • Exceptions can be requested (e.g., HSBCFraud), but arguments such as "our product is called Verify" will not be accepted.

Numeric senders

  • Short code senders must be in UK format, with 5 digits starting with 6-8.
  • Approval can be given for 3 digits (e.g., 150), 4 digits (e.g., 7726), and numbers not starting with 6-8.
  • Exceptions must be configured on the whitelist.
  • International SenderIDs will not be supported.

2023 December | INVOICING

Improvement | Missing account ID for Mobile Originated (MO)

Previously, the account ID was missing for MO (Mobile Originated) messages on the invoice. This has been corrected, allowing you to accurately identify the account to which MO messages belong.

2023 November | PRICING

We would like to inform you that our standard SMS pricing will be updated from 01-01-2024 on wards.

Global SMS cost prices are subject to high volatility. We strive to offer competitive business messaging solutions to our customers. Therefore we continuously monitor and adjust our SMS rates in order to offer high quality service at competitive rates.

You can always find an overview of the current standard SMS rates on our website > Pricing > website > Pricing > SMS.

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